

Hér er ég að leita að

hvort mismunandi kynhneigð

sé lærð, mótuð, eða meðfædd,

eða sitt lítið af hverju.


Soya virðist hamla kynþroska drengja og flýta kynþroska stúlkna.


Kinsey gefur í skin að aðilar geti sveiflast á milli kynhneigða.


Lesa um hvernig maurar stýra því að ungviðið verður drottning,

hermaur, eða vinnu maur.


Þetta þyrfti að rannsaka.

Maurarnir virðast vita meira en við í þessum málum.


Eg. 20-07-2012 jg



Jafnvel Kinsey-stofnunin hefur viðurkennt,

að stór hluti homma eigi að baki sér grundvallarbreytingu

til og frá í kynhneigð.

Engin sönnun liggur fyrir um, að samkynhneigð sé meðfædd eða arfgeng.



·                     The Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction ...







Recently, Israel's health ministry recommended

that soya intake should be limited in young children

 and avoided, if possible, in babies and infants.


In Australia and New Zealand,

soya-based baby formula can only be bought

with a doctor's prescription.


((Myth: Soy formula is safe for infants. ))


Soy foods contain trypsin inhibitors

that inhibit protein digestion and affect pancreatic function.

In test animals, diets high in trypsin inhibitors

led to stunted growth and pancreatic disorders.

Soy foods increase the body’s requirement for vitamin D,

needed for strong bones and normal growth.

Phytic acid in soy foods results in reduced bioavailabilty

of iron and zinc which are required for the health

and development of the brain and nervous system.

Soy also lacks cholesterol,

likewise essential for the development

of the brain and nervous system.

Megadoses of phytoestrogens in soy formula

have been implicated in the current trend

toward increasingly premature sexual development

in girls and delayed or retarded sexual development in boys.



A year after the deaths from encephalopathy of two Israeli infants

who were exclusively fed a soya formula made in Germany

that lacked vitamin B1 (thiamin) (BMJ 2003;327:1128)

nine children are still being treated for serious neurological damage.